The Time We Met Bob Saget

Toni Foxx remembers:

It was so shocking to hear about the death of Bob Saget last night. He just played in Ponte Vedra and I considered going to that show. Now, I really wish I did.

We were lucky enough to interview Bob and meet him almost 6 years ago, when he came to Jax to perform at the Florida Theater. I remember him just being so nice. We had a great phone interview with him and he asked us if we were going to the show and when John and I said we were interested, he said he would make sure to take care of us and he did... we got tickets, no problem. He also gave us instructions to make sure we were able to meet him after the show.

Sure enough, we got our tickets. I had never seen him do stand up, so I didn't know what to expect but I thought he was really funny. It wasn't the G-rated, "Full House" type stuff... it was more risqué.... raunchy.... however you want to put it and truth be told, that's along the lines of the humor I like, so I thought it was great. Then afterwards, he came out and was so nice and took pics with us and chatted with us for awhile. For a guy who was very well known for an iconic family show on TV, he sure was down-to-earth & so very nice to just a couple of radio deejays from Jacksonville, and I appreciated that and still remember it. What a great guy and what a sad loss for the entertainment world.

John Scott remembers:

Bob Saget couldn’t have been more kind when we met him. For all the fame that being on TV for decades can bring, he seemed more amused by the whole idea of celebrity than anything. It just seemed like he had that smirk because he couldn’t wait to tell you something funny. We spoke on the phone that morning for an interview then met him for about 10 minutes after the show. Normally that wouldn’t be much time to get a read on someone, but he seemed to be just a nice guy who liked making people laugh.The night I met him in 2016, it seemed like he was still a little shaken by the death of his friend and fellow comedian, Garry Shandling, who had passed away earlier that day at age 66. He said it “shouldn’t have been his time yet.” We feel that way about Bob now.

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