The ACM's Will Not Be On TV Tonight

You will not be able to watch the ACM Award show tonight on TV... I'm talking broadcast TV. Nope, ACMS are not on any broadcast network.

For the first time ever, the ACM's will be streamed exclusively on Prime Video. In fact, it's historic not just for this particular award show, but tonight's event will make history as the first major awards show to live stream exclusively, on Prime Video in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the UK. How about that?

Here's the thing.... it's all fine and dandy if you have Prime Video, but what if you don't? You can't be happy about that if you're a country music fan, and I completely understand that. So, what can you do, if you still want to watch from the comfort of your very own couch in your very own home and don't know anyone who will give you their Amazon password and you really don't want to or have the money to shell out for your own subscription?

CLICK HERE for a free 30-day trial of Prime.

The show starts at 8p.

CLICK HERE for a list of the nominees.

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