Not a "coffee good for you" article, it's a "coffee great for you" article!

Coffee achievers rejoice!!!

A new study out of the American College of Cardiology has found that drinking two to three cups of coffee a day could add YEARS to your life. The study looks comprehensive. It tracked more than 400,000 people for at least ten years. The researchers say they found that coffee actually lowers the risk of heart disease and dangerous heart rhythms. NOW WE'RE TALKIN'!!

They say coffee is even safe for people with cardiovascular disease, because it either has a positive or neutral effect. Even drinking more than three to six cups isn't bad, it just won't provide any additional benefit.

Researchers also pointed out that coffee beans have over 100 nutritious plant chemicals in them. They can "dampen oxidative stress and inflammation" . . . and improve insulin sensitivity and metabolism. I just hope we don't find out that Starbucks funded this research..

Don't forget, this is just regular coffee . . . not the dessert you get at your coffee shop that you call "coffee."

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