U.S. Navy Showcases SEAL Virtual Reality Experience @ Jacksonville Air Show

This weekend, October 21-23, at the Jacksonville Air Show, the U.S. Navy will showcase the Nimitz, a mobile, state-of the-art virtual reality experience that simulates a high-speed extraction of Navy SEALS. Video preview of the Nimitz. The VR experience will be available to the public during the Air Show on Saturday and Sunday.

Nimitz Virtual Reality Experience
Inside the Nimitz, which is housed in a massive, unfolding 18-wheeler, you go through a video briefing before strapping on an Oculus Rift headset and a piece of wearable technology called a SubPac (traditionally used by Club DJs) that percusses in real time to the sounds of the mission. Visitors navigate the mission using a cutting-edge steering wheel and throttle system that replicate the actual sensation of piloting a high-speed, Navy Special Warfare Combatant Craft. Once finished, participants move to the debriefing station, where they receive feedback and a performance grade.

Give it a try this weekend!

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