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I was leaving work one day last week and noticed this on the side-view mirror on my car. At first I checked my car to make sure there weren't any dings on it. None. Curious enough, I call the number and leave a message. After a couple of days, I never got a call back. Then I got a little suspicious and Googled the phone number. Sure enough, the Google results had pages of entries with this number on it! Was I already scammed? What in the heck? After reading some of the entries, I find out that, evidently, people are paid by windshield companies to troll businesses and see if they can find windshield damage (my windshield did get some damage when we were on the road last week). Then they leave this vague note, probably to circumvent most parking lots' "No Soliciting" policy. Not illegal, I guess, but certainly a bit shady. Just an FYI in case you see this note on your vehicle. Have you ever received this? ~John