This weekend was full of a little bit of fun and then chores at home to round it out.
I started the weekend, meeting my friend Cheryl in Nocatee. We headed to Coastal Wine Market & Tasting Room for some wine & appetizers.
This is the brussel sprouts appetizer they have on the menu.
We then hit up Nocatee Food Truck Friday. We were on Chery's golf cart, so on the way back to her house, she took me for a ride on some Nocatee paths... it's probably prettier during the day but it was fun to ride at night as well.
I spent the rest of the weekend doing chores at home, like laundry.... lots & lots of laundry.
I also made a pot of chicken stock. I saved vegetable scraps in the freezer and I filled up a whole bag so I used that & the leftover carcass from a rotisserie chicken to make it. Not sure about it, though, because it seemed to taste more like vegetable stock than chicken stock. But what's done is done so I'll be putting it in the freezer to use it up.
That was my weekend. Hope you had a good one! Next weekend, I am going to my very first NHL game. I'm so excited! I love sporting events and I plan to have lots of pics to share with you.