Different kinds of shortages are hitting us due to the pandemic supply and demand situation, which has become wacky, and the latest shortage could directly affect kids' lunchboxes.
They're saying the latest hard-to-find item is Lunchables. Yep, Lunchables.
Parents are complaining they're having a hard time finding them. The reason? "Ingredient and labor constraints."
Kraft Heinz says they're "working fast and furiously" to fix things.
Meanwhile, Hidden Valley Ranch has come up with a weird "treat" to give out at Halloween.
They have come out with treat-sized packets of ranch dressing to give to trick-or-treaters. Each packet has a half-ounce of ranch. They come in bags of 30, and each bag costs $20, plus $7 shipping. You can order them from hiddenvalley.com.
Because every kid wants a portable packet of dressing to squeeze onto all the salads they eat during play dates, right?