We all have our own opinion on the best barbecue and the best items to grill yourself, but collectively, who's got the best? A survey from yougov.org says that Texas has the best.
73% of people said they associate Texas with good barbecue. Tennessee is next, then South Carolina, Kansas, North Carolina, and Georgia. I am surprised that Missouri did not make the top list. St . Louis and Kansas City are well-known for their barbecue and I can attest, those ribs in St. Louis were the best ever.
Now, what's your favorite thing to toss on the grill?
The survey polled 1,000 people, and the top answer was ribs! 29% of people said it's their favorite. Pulled pork ranked second, then brisket. Beef is fourth and then chicken wings. Ham ranked last, followed by sausage and smoked turkey. They didn't include things like burgers or veggies on the survey.
My favorite top grill? Chicken. My favorite place locally to get barbecue? Woodpeckers in St. Johns County, also the Bearded Pig is excellent!
How about you?