Operation Stormwatch

Operation Stormwatch

The latest hurricane updates and resources in Florida


Duval County Updates For Hurricane Idalia

Duval County shelters are now open.

The six shelters locations are:

  • Chimney Lakes Elementary
  • LaVilla Middle School
  • Ocean Way Elementary
  • Landmark Middle School
  • Atlantic Coast High School
  • The Legends Center

Chimney Lakes and Landmark will be pet-friendly shelters and Atlantic Coast High School can accommodate those with special needs.

For a list of what to bring and what not to bring to a shelter, click here.

JEA crews have trimmed trees to get ready for possible high winds, and the city has prepared flood pumps to help during the storm. JEA suspended shutoffs due to nonpayment.

Know your evacuation zone! Evacuation zones can be viewed at COJ HERE or on the JaxReady mobile app.

Sandbags are not provided by the city. Residents who believe they are in need of sandbags should visit their local hardware store.

Government Offices and parks are closed Wednesday.

Any bridge closures will be communicated by the City website -www.COJ.net

Garbage, recycling, bulk and yard waste collections are suspended Wednesday. Schedules will return to normal on Thursday. for BALDWIN, Garbage and Recycle will be picked up on Friday.

NAS Jacksonville will be closed to non-essential personnel beginning at 7 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday, Aug. 31.

For more information, click here.

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